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My Life at the momment i am concentrating on doing furthur education at The Marlborough School in Woodstock doing Art and Design, Food Technology and obviously Media studies. I live in Woodstock so i have no problem getting to 6th form each day.

Wednesday 25 November 2009

Donnie Darko sectioned

In class with Mr. Buckmaster we have been watching the film Donnie Darko Richard Kelly of which is an Art house film shot in only a short few days of 28days. The class sat down and we watched the opening sequence of the film to get inspiration of films and to read into what the director was trying to present through visual images through to the audience. The film stands out as the director uses time travel through the main character Donnie after his mother in the beginning of the film insists he sees a physiatrist after seeing his sister tells he is not taking his medication. He then tells his physiatrist that he sees a character known as 'Frank' the bunny as the one who is telling him to do these things. There could be many interpretations of this film and his genre that it is under is sci-fi, religious and even physiological.

The film was released on the 11th of September 01 which was also the same date as the terrorized attack on America. Due to the consequences in the film, the attacks and end result the box office was not best pleased and neither was the public.

The opening sequence starts with an establishing shot of the scenery where Donnie is asleep on the open country road lying next to his bike. This is all the audience knows and sees. The surroundings are mountains and there are trees which divide the screen, with the mountains at the bottom in black with the light sky. The director has shown this to give information to the viewer that there is a something wrong with this character.
The audience will be able to tell that it is early in the morning as of the colour of the sky and Donnie is waking up. He is laid there in the middle of the road with his bike; he is showing no sign of life until the camera slowly creeps up towards the character. The audience then thinks about why this character is then in the road and about the character; why is this character in the road and how venerable this character is laying in the middle of the road?
The character then begins to stands and just laughs so then we recognize that this must have happened before. We then begin to follow the character down the lanes of the country hill back to his house by the light music indicating thoughts to the audience, therefore creating tension but through the sunlight he seems peaceful and calm is restored.
Back at streets two characters out front are in the garden daughter and father as Donnie rides by through to his back garden and passes a women holding a full glass of wine with frizzy hair, looks very warn out, tired with young children bouncing on the trampoline behind her. This shot is shown as the ‘family’ and how the director wanted to show them.
The first section of Donnie Darko builds up the film really quickly and introduces the setting of the film of the character Donnie making the audience wanting to find out more about this character.

Saturday 7 November 2009

Knowing the excercises ahead

On the 6th November in Mr Buckmaster's double lesson we were shown the brief preliminary excercise and what it would involve. Shown things like:

  • Filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing the room to sit down and exchange dialogue with another character.

We then were told what it would envolve such as:

  • Match on Action-A single action that seems continuous
  • A Shot Reverse Shot- Showing the character, then what the character is looking at
  • 180 Degree Rule- If the camera moves past 180 degress then it gives the viewer the impression that they are sat next to eachother

We looked at things such as the pre-production subjects that we would have to look at to prepare for the filming:

  • Script
  • Directions (characters/camera)
  • Casting
  • Story boarding
  • Location
  • Date & Time
  • Technical skills

For the rest of the lesson we then went through the head subjects of:

  • Film Language
  • Editing
  • Matched cut
  • Jump cut
  • Editing Trasitions Sound

Sound, which then lead onto watching a short chapter of the film Jaws. Being shown all of this has really widen my mind about the amount of detail and planning that we have to do to make our production.

Life On Mars

In Miss Dixons lessons from the 20th October to the 3rd November we have been preparing to do a draft essay to prepare my media class for our exams. To give us a taster of what the exams are going to be like, i think this is important as it expands our skills of writing and the knowlegde of what is and isnt important to put into the essay.
I have a saved copy on my computer if i need to reveiw this in the future.