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My Life at the momment i am concentrating on doing furthur education at The Marlborough School in Woodstock doing Art and Design, Food Technology and obviously Media studies. I live in Woodstock so i have no problem getting to 6th form each day.

Monday 18 October 2010

Secured my idea

My trailer idea was initially going to be a male and a female character in a relationship when one disappears into a car wash. I was planning to have one male and one female when I was thinking about the limited amount of males that would play the part. During my planning I then came across the idea of having two female best friends where I could show there friendship with a number of different shots and props.
With this idea now secured, now I'll research more on the topic of trailers to get a clearer idea of how a trailer is set out, shots, sound effects and what most effectively attracts the audience.

Saturday 16 October 2010

Advert idea

During the course of planning my production I have been thinking as much about an advert on the topic of smoking. This is a subject that has always been in my life as a member of the family or friends have always been a smoker. I would choose an advert due to the fact that I would want to raise more awareness in my own style.
I have thought into what angle to come at this subject by that would attract the attention of my audience instantly and throughout the advert made. I know that I would have to come at it at an intresting point that would leave a thought in my veiwers minds about smoking or that could influence them in some way.
I need to do a plan of what I want to acheive in the advert and the message that would come with it.

Thursday 14 October 2010

General idea's

From making the slideshow of my ideas I have finally come down to making a trailer and have thought of a few idea's of what I could do:
1. - Characters in a house
- Letter/mail
- Trapped, Big Brother style
- play with light and sound
2. - A character, produced amnesia
- Dissapears
- Hospital
- "lost"
- One specific character can see the missing person but no one else can, sees the clues to find the character
3. - Two characters, male and female
- Road trip
- Car wash scene
- Characters gone after going through car wash
- Looking for them
4. - Jumanji
- Saw
- Combind together to create a game. Using saw quotes.

Four of my ideas that I found could be most effective, my general idea is to have a simple idea and make it complex and realistic. I want to effect the audience with a chill down their spine.