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About Me

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My Life at the momment i am concentrating on doing furthur education at The Marlborough School in Woodstock doing Art and Design, Food Technology and obviously Media studies. I live in Woodstock so i have no problem getting to 6th form each day.

Wednesday 28 April 2010

My times

I have been working to a busy schedule so i have been making a list of what i have been up to over the coming months and the meetings that the group and myself have had about the project to improve.

February 11Th- Meeting to brain storm the possible ideas of our outcome.
February 17Th- Location scouting, research costume.
February 21St- scheduled for shooting at first location, morning between 9-11o'clock. Completed first half of filming still on schedule.
February 21st later that night- As the set was still set up we decided to crack on later that night to complete the final stages. Final filming done.
February 25Th- Group meeting to watch over filmed pieces to see if there are any further filming needed to be done.
March 5Th- Started to edit as a team and discuss the time. Also started searching for background music that would suit the opening sequence.
March 23rd- group meeting to discuss the tracking music.
March 28Th- Two endings, which one?

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